Customer Support Engineer

Customer Support Engineer

Customer Support Engineer

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Become an integral part of our team as a Technical Support Specialist, Accentuate Staffing has partnered with a local client seeking audio-visual sales/technical support. In this role, you’ll serve as the primary point of contact, helping through various channels such as phone, email, and web requests. Utilize your problem-solving skills to diagnose issues and recommend appropriate solutions, including client-specific product recommendations.



  • Address high volume calls, providing exemplary customer support and inside sales assistance for technology products or electronics.
  • Troubleshoot processes and technical product applications to resolve customer inquiries effectively.
  • Build and nurture customer relationships with an emphasis on a client-centric approach.
  • Showcase professionalism and high-energy communication skills in both written and verbal interactions.
  • Utilize organizational and logical aptitudes to ensure efficient support processes.
  • Thrive in a fast-paced professional office environment, demonstrating exceptional attention to detail and computer literacy.


  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in a help desk support environment.
  • Proven success in managing high-volume calls and providing support for technology products.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with a professional and energetic demeanor.
  • Technical, organizational, and logical aptitudes are highly valued.
  • Strong attention to detail, organizational skills, and computer literacy.
  • Ability to excel in a dynamic and fast-paced professional office environment.


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